Peakonomics and Poilitics

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Peak Oportunity! Earth Liberation and the Oil Endgame

Click here for full article.

"By fighting to minimize civilization's ability to weather the peak oil storm through the use of unsustainable "alternatives," we can hopefully accelerate civilization's collapse and preserve what remains of our planet's ecological integrity. In the ashes of industrial monoculture, thousands of neotribal nomadic communities, autonomous ecovillages and bioregional confederations uniting them could bloom amid rewilded landscapes. The oil endgame might be our last opportunity for full-fledged Earth liberation. Will we seize it or let it slip by?"

Huh? Uh, as you will see, not all articles posted on here will always reflect those of the peaknik blogger. I'm going to include opinion and thought from one end of the spectrum to the other.


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